
Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering for your child’s organization.

It is truly gratifying to be part of a club that gives so much back to our city, our kids and the basketball community.

Interested in Coaching with the Ottawa Shooting Stars? Click here

There are 3 levels of OSS volunteers:

LEAD VOLUNTEERS: Take responsibility for their area. Recruit volunteers to help as required.
SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS: Help the lead out as required and as time is available.
COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: OSS is proud to offer dedicated HS, college, and university students volunteer/placement opportunities throughout the year.

There are 2 areas for OSS volunteers:

NON-BASKETBALL KNOWLEDGEABLE (NBK): These volunteers do not need to know how to play basketball. What is needed for these duties are organisational and communications skills.
BASKETBALL KNOWLEDGEABLE (BK):  These volunteers have basketball knowledge and experience, and tend to coach and assistant coach.


Training is provided for all levels of volunteering.

Contact & Application

Please contact info@ottawashootingstars.com for more information, or apply online today.