Any violation of the Code of Conduct Policy mentioned below may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to warnings, removal from the premises during games or practices, suspension from attending future events, or in severe cases, the removal of the player from the program. These measures are intended to ensure a positive and supportive environment for all players, coaches, and families.
Spectators and Parents
- Understand the coach and team philosophy. If you don’t know the goals of the team ask them to be explained at the first team meeting of the season.
- Support the team, but do not coach the players from the stands. Do not use commands such as “Pass it” or “Shoot.” It confuses others, and undermines the efforts of the coach.
- Use positive encouragement. Be a positive role model and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy. Through your actions and comments, make the player you are supporting feel like a winner every time.
- Refrain from any and all vulgar, lewd or obscene language or gestures while participating in, or watching any team or club event whether at home or away.
- Refrain from speaking to officials. If you have questions or concerns with the referees, relay the information to the team manager, who will take it to the coach. Respect the officials and their authority during games and never question, discuss, or confront coaches during or immediately after the game. Allow yourself enough time to calm down.
- Speak to the coach at a pre-determined “open time” as determined by the coach and established at the beginning of the season, such as after practices, after team meetings, or on the phone at a mutually agreed upon time.
- Direct all comments and criticisms of other spectators, participants, officials, or board members in private and away from the players participating in the program. Coaches will not discuss players with anyone but their team. Also, coaches will always request a third party observer (manager, assistant coach, Board member) at any private discussion.
- Report to the coach all injuries, special medical conditions (such as asthma) or extenuating circumstances (such as lack of sleep or family crisis) that may affect the player in any form.
- Encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.
- Notify the coach or organizer if they cannot attend a practice or game. Players must be on time for games.
- Treat other players, officials and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and players will expect to be treated accordingly.
- Play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and expect participants and volunteers to refrain from their use at all events.
- Remember that sports are an opportunity to have fun.
- Abide by the rules of the game.
- Not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, league official or any other attendee.
- Not engage in any behavior, which would endanger the health, safety, or well being of a spectator, player, participant, league official or any other attendee.
- Not engage in the use of profanity while attending or participating in any event.
- Not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any parent, player, participant, league official or any other attendee.
- Not initiate a fight or scuffle with any parent, player, participant, league official, or any other attendee.